Our philosophy
Our farm
We employ organic principles to produce seasonal vegetables, stone fruits, citrus, nuts, berries, olives, honey and cereal grains.
We manage the property using regenerative farming techniques to restore the land. Guests are invited to learn more about our approach by exploring dedicated walking paths with interpretative signage that reconnects visitors to their food and the place it comes from.
Sustainability at Brae
0 plantings
of Australian natives have been added to the property.
0 tonnes
of CO2 emissions have been reduced to date as a result of solar electricity generated on-site.
$ 0 raised
to date, supporting education, sporting and charity organisations locally.
Up to 0 %
of the vegetables, stone fruit, citrus, nuts, berries, grain crops, olives, honey and Australian edible plants served in the restaurant are produced organically at Brae Farm.
0 litres
of rainwater is captured for cooking, washing and drinking in both the restaurant and guest suites.
0 kg
of food scraps and green waste have been diverted from land-fill to date by our closed-loop composting program.