Mar 22, 2024
Brae Farm Harvest Notes - March 22, 2024
Hi everyone,
We seem to have switched gears from summer into autumn this week. There are some changes on the list as we're transitioning into the mid-season production.
We've started spacing out the harvests of some of the fruiting crops that required more frequent picking earlier in the season. I think we'll be aiming to do tomatoes on Monday and Thursday, and we'll pick beans and cucumbers every second day.
The zucchini plants are starting to succumb to powdery mildew, and the cucumbers are also looking tired. I'd expect no more than another 2-3 weeks of decent production.
The eggplants are still looking good but I think we're over the peak (glut) and they will slow down a bit now.
Tomatillos, sweet potato leaves, tarragon, and sansho are nearly done. I've taken chervil and poona kheera cucumbers off the list.
We could do a first pick of ripe serrano chilies.
The celeriac has sized up so I've added it to the list, but there's no rush. They will hold for ages. We'll also have the first golden globe turnips and watermelon radishes in the next couple of weeks.
Our early Treviso radicchio are heading up, and I should be able to add them to the list after Easter.
The figs are looking really good and we should pick a decent amount next week. There are also plenty of crabapples that are ready.
We could start harvesting pears, if the kitchen will save us some fruit boxes with trays?
The finger limes are ripening if Dan would like to check if they're ready?
We have an (over) abundance of Genovese basil if the kitchen would like to take any extra.
Thanks! Jo
Jodie Lawson - Brae Head Gardener